The archeology of Serbia is known for numerous top archeological sites, among which the oldest human settlement is Lepenski Vir, which is 10,000 years old. Lepenski Vir, the first organized human settlement in the world, was located in Djerdap. The Lepenian culture lasted for two thousand years in continuity, in the period from 6500-4500 BC. Many archaeologists consider the Lepenski Vir site to be the cradle of European civilization. Prehistoric people left behind stone statutes, weapons, tools, ceramic vessels of exceptional beauty. Traces from the older Neolithic period can be found at the Starčevo site on the left bank of the Danube, known as the Starčevo culture, while the somewhat younger Vinča culture is located in the village of Vinča on the other side of the river. The exceptional artistic achievements of the Vinča culture are represented by anthropomorphic and zoomorphic figurines. The most important is the Lady of Vinča, discovered in 1929. In addition to spectacular discoveries in the prehistoric site of Lepenski Vir as well as in other prehistoric sites, in Serbia, there are many Roman and Byzantine cultural monuments, Belgrade Fortress Kalemegdan, Viminacium, Felix Romuliana, Mediana, Caricin grad-Iustiniana Prima, Ulpiana – Iustiniana and many other unique sites… Archaeological sites in Serbia reveal that it was once home to ancient civilizations, the oldest evidence of human presence dates back 40,000 years, the birthplace of 16 Roman emperors, and briefly housed the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire. Archaeological sites on the territory of today’s Serbia prove that this region has always been a stage on which turbulent historical events took place, many of which have already become kind of myths and legends.
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See more about Archeology in Serbia on the website of the Tourist Organization of Serbia