Sumadija tour: Takovo, Oplenac, Vinca

Sumadija tour: Takovo, Oplenac, Vinca

ArandjelovacBukovicki park, Arandjelovackraljeva VinarijaOplenacOplenac unutrašnjostOplenacPećina Risovača Tour overview Highlights Take a look at the beauties of Šumadija and central Serbia Visit the royal complex of Oplenac Wine tasting in one of the many wineries...
Kopaonik and two-day rafting on the river Ibar

Kopaonik and two-day rafting on the river Ibar

KopaonikKopaonikKopaonikIbarIbarIbarIbarIbarIbarDolina jorgovana i MaglicNebeske stolice - KopaonikTvrdjava Maglic Tour overview Highlights Experience the unforgettable adventure of rafting on the Ibar Enjoy the natural beauty of Kopaonik Find out all about Maglič...
Obedska bara and Kupinovo

Obedska bara and Kupinovo

KUPINIK tvrdjavaObedska bara plovidbaObedska baraObedska_bara rodaObedska bara pticaObedska bara ptica1KupinovoObedska-baraAksentijev kucerak Tour overview Highlights Meet Obedska bara – a world of rare and diverse biological species in one place Visit the...